Keeping you healthy at your next destination
Stay Safe: Why Vaccines are Crucial for Travelers
As a result of routine vaccinations, many U.S. children are largely protected against vaccine-preventable diseases such as chickenpox, mumps, and measles. However, if you are not vaccinated and traveling abroad, you might be at high risk of contracting and spreading diseases that are uncommon in the United States. Even popular destinations, such as Europe, still experience outbreaks of such diseases.
Keeping updated on routine vaccinations helps protect you from infectious diseases, particularly preventable diseases, such as measles, that can rapidly spread in unvaccinated groups. Although such diseases are not widespread in the United States, they remain prevalent outside the country.
Before your trip, check out the CDC's destination pages for health information associated with your travel plans. Discover the recommended vaccines and medications for your destination area, so you'll be better prepared to manage potential health risks.
Don't forget to make an appointment with your healthcare provider or one of Northern Pharmacy’s knowledgeable Pharmacists at least one month before you travel. They can provide you with certain vaccines and medications that are specific to your destination, as well as valuable advice and recommendations about health issues and activities.
Chickenpox - https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/varicella/public/index.html
Mumps - https://www.cdc.gov/mumps/vaccination.html
Measles - https://www.cdc.gov/measles/vaccination.html
CDC’s destination pages for health information - https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/list
Pharmacy’s knowledgeable Pharmacist – pharm@northernpharmacy.com
vaccines and medications- https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/find-clinic
Recommended Travel Vaccinations:
Depending on your age, health, and vaccine history, you may require accelerated or booster doses of vaccines. These may include: COVID-19, Chickenpox, Hepatitis A and B, HPV, Influenza, Measles (MMR II), Mumps (MMR II), Rubella (MMR II), Meningococcal, Pneumococcal, Polio, Rotavirus, Tetanus (Tdap), Diphtheria, Pertussis, Yellow Fever or Shingles. Get up-to-date before you go. Questions? Email us – pharm@northernpharmacy.com.
COVID-19- https://www.northernpharmacy.com/vaccinations
Hepatitis A and B – https://www.northernpharmacy.com/vaccinations
HPV - https://www.northernpharmacy.com/vaccinations
Influenza - https://www.northernpharmacy.com/vaccinations
Measles (MMR II) - https://www.northernpharmacy.com/vaccinations
Mumps (MMR II) - https://www.northernpharmacy.com/vaccinations
Rubella (MMR II) - https://www.northernpharmacy.com/vaccinations
Meningococcal - https://www.northernpharmacy.com/vaccinations
Pneumococcal - https://www.northernpharmacy.com/vaccinations
Tetanus (Tdap) - https://www.northernpharmacy.com/vaccinations
Yellow Fever - https://www.northernpharmacy.com/vaccinations